Monday, September 21, 2009


Beau was in a quinceanera for a girl at school and they invited us as well. The court did a traditional march when they came in the building, but interrupted it with part of the Thriller dance. It was very entertaining. Beau had a lot of fun dancing and Brenah and I had a lot of fun watching him.

Brenah got to buy a new dress.

This is Beau's girlfriend, Natasha. He seems much happier in this picture than he does in the one with Brenah and I. He is growing up way too fast.

First Day of School 2009

Here are Beau and Brenah in their 1st day of school outfits. Beau is in the 9th grade and Brenah is in 4th.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Brenah and I went kayaking on Lady Bird Lake this past Saturday. We had a lot of fun and hope to do it again soon. My advice for anyone who goes is to bring your own life jacket because the ones at the renatal place smell like sweaty 14 year old boys, gross!!!


The kids and I went bowling in San Marcos. I almost broke 150, that's gotta be some kind of record!

Beau and I have the same awesome form.

Monday, June 15, 2009


We got a new puppy on Sunday, this is Izzy.

Six Flags 6-12-09

I figured out that Bryon is working like 15 minutes from Six Flags in Arlington, so the kids and I took a road trip. Here are some pictures from Six Flags with some characters you may recognize. The had glow-in-the-dark parade that night, it started late but I am glade we waited.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3rd Grade Roadrunner Awards

Brenah had her 3rd grade awards ceremony today. She got a medal for "A" Honor Roll all year and a Marvelous Mathematician award.